
20 February 2024

Meet Oskar | Berns

Oskar has been a part of the team at Berns for many years now, and is a very important part of making the day-to-day operations work. We caught up with Oskar to find out more about what he works with and what he does on a day off.

Tell us a little about what you do at Berns?

I am a property manager at Berns and am responsible for repairs and maintenance of the property.

How long have you worked here?

I started at Berns in 2002, and then worked with furnishing for the events. In 2006, I started to work with maintaining the property, which felt like a good transition for me.

What makes Berns a good place to work?

After my 22 years here, I can say that it is the house that makes me happy, to be in contact with all the departments and to see how everyone works with each other. It is an indescribable feeling and atmosphere. Compared to other places I’ve worked at, it feels like home here, and I don’t know if it’s the house itself or what creates that feeling. The whole house has an incredible warmth in it. I have previously worked at places like the Grand Hotel and other places within the group, but no place has this warm feeling that Berns has.

Tell us about your funniest memory from Berns

I’ve hunted quite a few birds in my days, haha. No, but it is difficult to answer this question, I have had many fun memories during my years at Berns. It is my colleagues who are funny and make my work fun. A colleague who was extra great was Ulla-Carin, who worked at Berns Event before.

What is the best thing about Berns

Everyone knows Berns, there is always someone who has a connection or a memory of Berns and that is always positive. It makes me incredibly proud, we also have many different nationalities within the departments which means that we continue to be a multicultural place.

Tell me a bit more about yourself

I am a very focused person, don’t always have time to do what I wish I could do and always want to help.

What do you do on a day off?

Spending as much time as I can with my son, there have been many football games over the years. Then I enjoy cycling and I try to bicycle to work everyday.

Favorite dish from Asiatiska?

All of the sushi, of course!

Meeet Oskar

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